Section Staff

New Mexico ARRL Section Manager – Bill Mader K8TE

Please meet the New Mexico Section’s cabinet members who, along with over 60 additional appointed ARRL volunteers around the Land of Enchantment, work for New Mexico’s League members:

Assistant Section Managers

  • Robert Truitt KE5OFK (Southern New Mexico)
  • Bill Boedeker NM5BB (Northern New Mexico)
  • Don Grab K5BIS

Affiliated Club Coordinator

  • Art Priebe N5ART

Official Observer Coordinator

  • Jerry Boyd WB8WFK

Public Information Coordinator

  • Pete Spotts NM5PS

Section Emergency Coordinator

  • Jay Miller W5WHN

Section Youth Coordinators

  • Bob Longoria N5JH

Section Traffic Manager

  • Alden Oyer AG5S

State Government Liaison

  • Open – Contact us if you’d like to learn more about this role!

Technical Coordinator

  • Jim Lommen KC7QY