3.939 LSB – Sunday, 2 FEB @ 1700 MTN <=======
Monthly New Mexico HF ARES / EMCOM Net
The New Mexico Section ARES / EMCOM / AUXCOM / RACES HF net meets on the first Sunday of each month to discuss Amateur Radio support of all types of emergency communications including MARS, SAR, CAP, public service events. All properly licensed stations are invited to check into the net.
Roll call will be conducted alphabetically by county Bernalillo to Valencia (or in reverse) then other states, late or missed.
Please help and report the following:
- 1 – Signal report of NC using standard RS (59, 55, 44) etc.
2 – Noise floor at your station in S units
3 – Are you Winlink capable? If so, what mode(s) (PACKET, VARA HF, VARA FM, etc.) - 4. Recommendations or comments to improve our HF net.